This means that they realise how responsible they are for their own energy health and well being and that of others and the planet. These lower periods are the assimilation periods. If your ears are in fact healthy and clear of infection or debris, a likely cause of this pressure is the muscles of your jaw. You may also feel restless, headachy, less able to concentrate. These physical glands are connected with the third eye and crown chakra. Or, it could also be a sign that you are about to have a psychic vision or experience. In actuality, these glands have their connection with the crown as well as the third eye chakra. Ringing in your ears ( tinnitus) Muffled hearing. Rather than becoming angry or frustrated, you can become excited instead. Ascension Symptoms in Others; This has been very interesting to observe. Marie asks if it's common for many people to experience ascension symptoms. overwhelming emotion. Your etheric wings open up and extend, as you further develop your light body and spiritual energy field. Are you willing to allow yourself to release your emotional and energetic garbage? Anyways, thank you for your article! Just pause, allow them to absorb and say, Thank you. The Earth is going through a massive and unique shift right now. My faith in my ability to accomplish this goal wavers. For example, yawning normally opens the eustachian . This 5D level of awareness (a creational energy template) finally embedded around our planet back in June 2019. It is the expansion of awareness Ascension is not a condemnation of your existence, but a liberation of it! Dream and dance, paint and write, see the patterns and the magic in all things. Bouts of feeling of falling asleep, tingling sensations, spasms in the body, muscle twitches, jerks or jolts, feeling of warm energies, or a kind of being engulfed in a warm aura. AS YOUR OUTER BODY LAYERS GROW AND ACTIVATE - YOUR PHYSICAL BODY CHANGESAnd because of this higher awareness (of 5D) that so many are opening up to, theyre experiencing very real changes to their physical body, as a result. And, before I even finished my sentence, he put his finger up and said, the Force!. In the early years of the physical body Ascension Process 1999 on my body would register any solar activity as severe "Ascension Flu"; body aches and pains, low-grade fever, chills, headache, and all around sick flu-like feelings. The headaches are often accompanied by warmth or energy in the head area and pressure on the temples. But we are all expanding as a collective! Third eye headaches are usually accompanied by pressure in the forehead and a feeling of intense heat or energy. *Kundalini energy working in solar plexus chakra: Bloating of belly/gut area due to the intense energies and transformational Inner Work. So many in our community of light have.4D into 5DAs our world has progressively been challenged to wake-up and grow over the last 20 years, with the sharing of ideas and information now becoming near instant, the concept of time and the gap between thought and thing has diminished. Choose ease. Old symptoms, new symptoms, but Ascension related nonetheless. Listed below are physical symptoms of ascension you may experience; Head You might experience headaches Feel dizzy Feel Lightheadedness Ears Popping or air pressure changes Hear ringing or buzzing sounds Earaches Body Pain Back pains, especially mid-lower sections Experience joint pains, Shoulders and knees Feel like you are in your golden years. It's especially beneficial to do this during any time that you feel any of the uncomfortable ascension symptoms in the head or crown area. Associated Body Parts: Lower brain, face, ears, nose, sinuses, central nervous system, pituitary gland, eyes, ears, head, and brain stem; Sixth Sense/Intuition. One-Legged Gravity Hopping. In other words, you realise that what you focus upon, you can create. And yet it also feels weirdly linked to this fatigue Im feeling, and the sense that I am integrating (maybe downloading?) All is well, as we choose what best suits. That maybe I am dealing with illness. The major body layers (which form your energy field or aura) include : NON-PHYSICAL COMMUNICATIONAs you become aware of the entirety of your body, your physical body through to all of the layers of your energy body (your energy field), you become more open to non-physical communication. The Council says some are having these symptoms and it's because the body is starting to vibrate at a higher level and the body needs to attune to these energy changes, which can create multiple symptoms. Stop fighting yourself. Youre creating new thought paths. Emotional/Psychological Symptoms: Confusion, brain fog, trouble concentrating, panic, inability to concentrate or stay focused, spacey, too logical or too abstract, scattered or racing thoughts, forgetfulness, inability to remember dreams, inability to meditate, visualize or connect with inner guidance, learning difficulties, nightmares, seizures, neurological disorders, personality disorders and neuroses, hallucinations. So, sometimes, releasing our pain on the deep energetic level can take some time. This can even be done without the need to dissociate from daily modern life, meditate for hours or join any mystical society..! [Read More]. Sporadic bursts of energy. I trust that this blog post has provided you with reassurance that all is well on your path. Relationship strains and changes - Ultimately as you elevate in awareness of who you are as a soul on a human journey, your relationships will shift (until you come to be in the company of others like you, who have remembered who they are). But, as and when you begin to work with your Right Brain and expand into the Magical Higher Dimensions, these transmissions will begin to take on shape and meaning. All is sound. You are an energy being (a being of pure spirit) whos core intelligence is SOUL. Energy infiltrates many different dimensions at once. But, this is actually what weare sayingwhen trying to halt our natural progression. The vagus nerve which runs down the side of the neck is also linked into the heart and when stimulated (as your neck becomes tight, perhaps from resistance to your incoming life changes) this can also serve to awaken the heart energy field and cause an expansion (fluttering) of consciousness. The pain feels more like a throbbing sensation and is often accompanied by pressure in the temples. It usually lasts a few seconds to a few minutes. Soul loves it when you apply your direction. Ringing Ears; This has been occurring frequently, in both ears, both high/medium/low tones and has been going on since the beginning of my awakening. The 3-steps of ascension. Lifestyle and dietary changes. Feeling intense energy and high levels of stress ; . So, dear friends, I guess this is the time to listen up and start hearing these new transmissions that are coming to us. There are many other ascension symptoms that you may experience, including: All of these symptoms are normal and signify that you are shifting into a new vibration. As a soul and a vibratory spiritual energy being, you are also a light being, creating your human life and all of your physical experiences via the direction of your thoughts, your feelings and your divine will. Ascension is an entirely natural evolutionary process at work in the universe That we are made up of energy and can focus that energy as we choose. One step at a time towards positive change can make a huge difference (and put you at ease) in your desire to be free. Now that I have received my Reiki attunement for Master Level, I have so many of these symptoms, including a high pitched ringing in my right ear and my old body fighting my real body Years ago I became closer to my actual spirituality and noticeably seemed to be reverse aging people think I am much younger than 43 I also feel there has been a shift especially since the psndemic and a real war of sorts in the heavens over it. Physical Symptoms: Respitory issues, asthma, poor circulation, cold intolerance, chills, pneumonia, skin conditions, breast problems, circulatory problems, low blood pressure, high blood pressure, angina, heart attacks, upper-back pain, shoulder and upper-arm pain, weak immune system, premature aging; addictions to smoking, wine, sugar craving. A headache during the ascension is a typical occurrence that will go away after the ascension is completed. "Vibrational Flu": high temperatures, night sweats, aching bones and joints, neck pains, flu-like symptoms Occasional sinus issues: sneeze attacks, runny nose or sore throat that is not a cold or allergy Mental confusion, difficulty concentrating Itching, vibrating, prickling, tingling, stinging or crawling sensations Physical Symptoms: Lower back pain, issues with large intestines, spleen, gallbladder, urinary problems, kidney stones, prostate problems, gynecological problems, iregular menstrual cycles, PMS, cramps, frigid, lack of sexual desire, urinary tract infections, STD's, sterility, impotence, infertility, sexual disorders, miscarriages; sexual addictions, addictions to junk food, overeating; hormonal imbalances; loss of appetite, issues with toungue/poor sense of taste. Throughout the ascension process, and especially during times of accelerated change, with surges of high vibrational light frequency, you may experience certain ascension symptoms. Emotional/Psychological Symptoms: Nervousness, fear,feeling isolated, anxiety attacks, fear of public speaking,lack of creativity, attention deficit disorders, poor coping skills, too talkative or too shy, the need to be an expert, deceit, inability to speak ones opinion, hyperactivity, nightmares. Anxiety - Many 'Empaths may feel anxious because of the lower-level (often negative) energy that they pick up and absorb from others and a toxic environment. I have been sensing that this is more internal work going on, integration and the like, that I now have more capacity for. This is often when backs can seize up - as you feel unsupported and can manifest this feeling in your back - which supports your body. The Trials of Purification - Meeting the Challenges of Spiritual Growth, How Animals Are Assisting Humanity in the Ascension, Copyright The ancient Egyptian, Syrian, Mayan, Indian, Aboriginal and ALL indigenous cultures will appeal. I am meant to be with him, not my ex. I feel this is helping us acclimate to the new higher vibrations. Learn how to balance and activate your chakras, the energy centers of the body, in natural ways using sound healing, color therapy, yoga, specific foods, and much more. What To Look For In An Acupuncturist Or Reiki Practitioner, How To Communicate With Your Spirit Guides, How To Protect Yourself From Psychic Vampires In The Concrete Jungle, When Healers Get Fibroids: Part II: My Recovery After Laparoscopic Myomectomy, Top 3 Misconceptions People Have About Being Enlightened: On Anger, Multidimensional Living, and Money. You could find that your astral or energy body is travelling through different dimensions - and youre conscious of it. The Key is within us, as above so below. Many also resist the soul assisting the personality and so try to avoid sleep. I welcome your loving interactions Sending you my love and support, as youexperience your soulElizabeth , Sign up to receive news and updates. When you have a headache during the ascension process, its vital to remain as cool and calm as possible. And, when the Pineal is very active, that pain can be intense. This makes a lot of sense! For Instance, if it is your heart that is clearing for expansion, you may feel palpitations. Represents: Emotions; Creativity, Self Expression, Sexuality; Relationships; Balance and Flow; Emotional Self; Sore neck (in the C2-C3 area) 8. Discomfort, Aches and Pains Physical changes in your body may unfold as you open and prepare to embody more light and a higher frequency of consciousness. The most important thing to remember is that you are not alone. Anger or sadness or depression (at clearing issues either for yourself, or feeling collective clearing) Breathing issues. Some people, may realise that their current career is right and they just need to be more of themselves within it. 2011-2019 Your energy body layers are a part of you. Associated body parts: Pelvis, reproductive/sexual organs, genitals; hips, lower back, bladder, kidneys, bodily fluids; large intestine, lymphatic system, pancreas; sensuality; Sense of Taste. Let's ascend together! Have you had your wake-up call into the higher realms of spirit since 2000? Please Note: Not all of these symptoms can assumed to be attributed to the ascension process or chakra related causes only. This can lead to air being trapped inside, leading to an imbalance of pressure. You could find that youre constantly being inspired with new ideas. We hear these frequencies as an altering of knowledge, information being processed and translated towards us. And, we also begin to understand our relationship to the Universe, and how we are an extension of Source Energy. For indeed, when youre aware of and working with your spiritual reality (the fifth dimension of light) you accept change as being a fundamental foundation of spirit - of who you are. And, you will experience the same compassionate, personalized care that you get in our sites of care. * Sleep disturbances. Lately I have noticed incredible pressure changes in my ears, and then the ear ringing gets louder after these changes occur. It is an indication that your energy is changing and that you are becoming more attuned to the higher dimensions. Vivid dreams - This goes hand-in-hand with OBES and waking up in the early hours. It takes practice to master being out of your body and will teach you much about the cosmic nature of reality. We call these rays photonic Light. I'm not going to waste time or energy complaining about any of them at this point Top 6 ascension symptoms happening right now. Reliance on any information provided on this website is solely at your own risk. It is a common symptom of energetic growth. Medical professionals have ruled out diseaseexcept for a few blips, Im quite healthy. Oh, yes, sounds like youre experiencing some ascension action! Growing in personal power - Youll begin to feel more confident in who you are (all of you) the more that your consciousness grows. Its more of an energetic sickness that passes over 24-48 hours. Dont get caught up in the shadow side of the Left Brain downward spiral . As you become aware of your spiritual reality and are working in tune with cosmic energy each day, the dissatisfaction you may feel in your career or work can increase. Its shaped like a butterfly and sits over the sternum in the middle of your chest. inner ear clicking, high-pitched ringing, pressure like when you change altitude, hearing non-physical voices and . You may experience muscle soreness particularly in the low back, joint pains or poor digestion. Blurry eyes, sore eyes, eye ticks - Your eyes can become inflamed and sore when life is changing very quickly before you. IMPORTANT: TAKE NOTE OF YOUR CHANGES AS THEY HAPPENThe ADVANTAGE of being aware of changes to your energy field before your physical body is affected (in a possibly painful way) is that you get to make LIFESTYLE CHANGES as and when youre directed to. Youll feel your physical body changing (bringing in more light) and as a result you'll feel the urge to practice exercise and healing techniques that help you to master your energy flow. The pressure in the head can also have a spiritual meaning. Each of us will walk a different path. stomach issues. Some try and change those around them (this may or may not work, as all souls have free will). Changes are present at emotional, physical, and mental levels. All choice is with you. *Kundalini energy working in Brow chakra/"Opening/Awakening of the Third Eye: Deep breathing, right down into your belly (in through the nose and out through the mouth) assists with a more even breath - of the in and out flow. Instead youll apply your own changes (to yourself first and foremost) and then see them naturally affect change in others. . So, if you experience a slight heat or throbbing sensation in your head, it could be a sign that you are connecting with your twin flame. A lot? I eventually became vegan and with the range of plant-based, organic (in-season) foods on offer today, its easier than ever. High-vibration energy (5D) keeps you in the moment where all-power and potential exists. Often Crown chakra awakenings and activation are accompanied by pressure or sensations at the top or extending above the head or scalp; the scalp can be sore or itchy and their can be light sensations or tingles, as if being touched, near the hair and scalp. Your doctor will coordinate your care with other specialists, such as your cardiologist, to improve the quality of your sleep with treatment, such as: Insomnia treatment using cognitive behavior therapy. Id love to hear about it in the comments, below! You are ever morphing, refining and defining yourself and as such your body shifts and changes with you. In our planetary culture, we have been very out of balance, with the Left Brain being strongly activated and the Right Brain not. At Ascension sites of care, our goal is to deliver care for the whole you - your physical and emotional health. The sternocleidomastoid (SCM), masseter, and medial and lateral pterygoid muscle can all cause symptoms in the ear. Intense clearing at the heart, throat and brow chakras: Flu-type symptoms with bronchitis and sinus, with focus on chest and sinuses, Represents: Imagination and Intuition; Inspiration, Insight; Intellect; Clarity; Third Eye/Inner Eye and Psychic Centre; Wisdom; Connection to Higher Self; It is important to bear it if you want something better. * Crying about anything, whether wonderful or sad. thank you! If you are sensitive to others energy fields, being aware of your abilities is key. I have also had inner ear . An interest in ancient technologies, practices and connections with the stars with call. When this Chakra is stimulated or is opening up you may begin to hear unusual sounds or noises from time to time, such as; buzzes, beeps, tones, high pitches frequencies, voices; whooshing or sensations of heat near the ears or side of face; Telepathy increases; more authentic self expression. You now become responsible for where you take yourself in life and that equates to personal freedom and equals personal power. The pressure will usually go away after a few days. I appreciate you! As for the shift in eyesight, it could be you getting older, but if it doesnt run in the family, or the eyesight shift is dramatic, again you could see an eye doctor to get things ruled out, but changes in seeing is also a symptom of ascension, especially if you are also seeing pinpricks of light, or noticing that your inner vision is shifting as a result. Career dissatisfaction - This goes along with a desire to break free. Those close will feel that youve changed because you have. In a balanced individual, the activation of Left and Right Cochlea spirals ensures that there is balance, both literal and emotional/mental and spiritual. More on Ascension symptoms and tingling Posted by Joanna on September 18, 2009 at 12:33pm View Joanna's blog . If airplane ear is severe, you might have: Severe pain. Sore muscles and joints - This can be caused by old, toxic energy leaving your cells. Hence, youll expect more from yourself each day and ultimately from those around you too. 2. Some relationships can continue and deepen, while others will need to be conducted at a distance or not at all. Use a nasal rinse or nasal irrigation system. If you feel that you are experiencing a lot of internal upgrades to your light body, then that is what is likely happening. Coldness, decrease in blood circulation and an inability to get warm. Spiritual growth (ascension) works in exactly the same way. Use a humidifier . The next time I saw him, he said that he did indeed feel calmer, and that when the alarms go off, he knows theyre just alarms. Ive created an effective Guided Meditation just for Recalibrating Your Body. If you look at the Inner Ear, you will see an organ called the Cochlea, which is shaped like a spiral. This can often be one of the most difficult ascension symptoms to assimilate, as you feel long-standing loyalty to family and friends. You may even have a deep epiphany or profound moment of clarity after experiencing the ear ringing. Even though they may be invisible to your physical sight, you can feel them with practice. The answer is no! So, youll need to move through a period of time where youre either explaining yourself and your truth to others, seeing if theyll come on board and grow along with your new sense of spiritual truth, or some will need space from those close. This can cause a feeling of pressure in the head as your body adjusts to the new energies. Increased self-awareness of your old patterns - As your consciousness grows, so does your ability to reflect and make self-responsible determinations of where and how youve developed repetitive patterns because of choices youve made. This is somewhat tied to the first tip. Experiencing any pressure around the forehead or back of the head may be due to the opening of the pituitary and pineal glands as they absorb more light and energy. Remember, you are adjusting to a higher vibration and you will eventually adjust. When this Chakra is stimulated or opens up old fear and anger issues may come to the surface to be released. When the pain is quite intense, you should sit and try to relax your body. This can include: * Waking up at certain times of the night. If you feel pressure in your head, it is a good idea to drink plenty of water and rest. And when you understand just how much of an influence they do have on your life, you can work with the cosmic flow to plan and map out the course of your life.This is why Ive been writing and speaking The Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast every week since 2003. This tip can make all the difference, am I right? Muffled hearing or slight to moderate hearing loss. This is my list (in no particular order) of OVER 43 common ascension symptoms that I have seen in my work and what you can do to address them: Headaches, migraines - fuzzy head - your brain is forming new neural pathways. Make sense? You have one eustachian tube on each. The Ascension symptoms you may feel will usually reflect what is clearing and expanding in you. Our vibrational frequency heightens, and we realize that we are unlimited beings. The third eye is the chakra located between the eyebrows and is associated with intuition and psychic ability. They may take issue with it, as they want the old you back - particularly if they havent woken up and/or have no indication that they will - youll be challenging them. This means that when Galactic Light Codes are being transmitted very strongly through Solar and Galactic radiation waves, then the Pineal is more strongly activated and likewise, in those who are ready, the Cochlea begins to vibrate with the messages of the Language of Light! We simply need to recognize what is happening, and work to bring balance. It never lasts long, sometimes only an hour or so. Physical Symptoms: Eye problems, glaucoma, sinus infections, ear problems and hearing difficulties, spinal conditions, and scalp/hair issues, unusual change in rate of hair/nail growth, dandruff, hair loss; headaches and migraines, far sighted/ear sighted,learning disabilities, nervous tension, stroke.